donderdag 31 maart 2011


Beste mensen,
ik ga nu de blog in het Nederlands doen want
ik heb geen zin meer om alles te vertalen.

xxxxx Marieke

Best People,
I am now doing the blog in Dutch as
I did not feel like anything to translate.
I hope you understand.

xxxxxxxxxxxx Marieke

Free 100 sd for 48 hour

has 100 000 members and that they
. now when you log on stardoll you get
free sd. sd but you will not last forever
because you
have only 48 hours, so buy fast.

x Marieke

dinsdag 29 maart 2011

*Super Star Only* Free Bandana

-If you are a Superstar from Poland, Log in and Enter contest by clicking HERE
-If you aren't from Poland but you are Superstar, Follow these steps:
1)Go to Poland web proxy like OR OR
2)In the blank box of proxy site Paste stardoll link:
3)Click GO/Idz/OK (it's up to proxy you use) OR just Hit Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies URL/Address link box Paste the contest link:
7)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Bandana should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite [:

maandag 28 maart 2011

Free Stuff without Proxy

►Free Facebook Giveaway dress
1)Click this link
2)Buy it for 0sd
Dress should be in a starplaza bag in your suite [:

►Free Face Cleanser
1)Click this link
2)Buy it for 0sd
Cleanser should be in your Beauty Parlor [:

►Free chair and poster
1)Join Amy Diamond club, it's link is:
Chair and poster should be in gixtboxes in your suite [:

►Free Tokio Hotel Head
1)Join this Tokio Hotel club
Head should be in a giftbox in your suite [:

►Free 10 stardollars (from Facebook connect)
2)Scroll down to the end of the page untill you find Facebook logo
3)Click Connect to Facebook
4)Facebook will tell you what to do next [:
Note: If the stardollars don't appear, log out and log back in
2nd Note: It's valid only once

Free stuff Old but still working

Free Kinnect Spots Pak

1)Log in stardoll, Go to this campaign page:
2)You will be re-directed to Xbox website, Leave the site, Go to stardoll
Outfit will be in a Blue Kinect Sports Bags in your suite [:

Free Tiger printed dress

1) Log in stardoll, Go to this campaign page:
2) You will be re-directed to Xbox website, Leave the site, Go to stardoll
Dress will be in a giftbox in your suite [:

Free Dance Central Outfit

1)Log in stardoll, Go to this campaign page:
2)You will be re-directed to Xbox website, Leave the site, Go to stardoll
Outfit will be in a Dance Central Bag in your suite [:

Free Burlesucre Dress and Hat

1)To get it in your starplaza dressing room - Click HERE
2)Buy them for 0s
Clothes will be in a Burlesque bag in your suite [:

Poster shirt and games

1)Join the Kinect club for game pack:
No longer working
2)Join The Kixx club for t-shirt:
No longer working
3)Join the Childline club for poster:
Items will be in your Suite [:

-If you don't live in UK
Be sure to be logged off stardoll, then
Set an UK manual proxy like

IP Address: Port: 80 Or
IP Address: Port: 8080 OR
If these don't work for you, check for otheres HERE

How to set manual proxy?

When you have set the manual proxy -
1)Go to stardoll, Log in, then just

2)Join the Childline club for poster:
Poster will be in your Suite [:
Remember to turn off the proxy [:

Free Childline Laptop

-If you are from UK - Visit campaign by clicking HERE
-If you aren't from UK, Follow these steps:
1)Go to any UK proxy like
2)Paste simple stardoll link into the blank box of the proxy site

Click Go OR just Hit Enter

Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxys URL/Address link box Paste this link:
6)You will be redirected to Childline site, Leave the proxy by closing the window/tab, Go to stardoll as usual
Laptop should be in a Childline Yellow bag in your suite [:

Free Dress, (Pink Red Green or Black)

1)Log in stardoll (be sure that you have verified your e-mail)
one dress from these four you want to get

3)Click on the link of dress you want Or Copy&Paste it on your browser and Hit enter
For Cute Pink Dress:
For Red Vintage Dress:
For Black Laced Dress:
For Lime Green Dress:
3)You will be redirected to your suite and the dress you chose will be in a giftbox in your suite [:

Free Simple Stuff

►Free Dresses and Skincare set
1)Log in stardoll
Go to My account tab

3)Click on Settings

4)Copy the UserID (everyone unique)

5)Write this link in your URL/link bar:
After u= Type/Paste your UserID
Hit Enter and wait till page loads
Scroll till down of simple page and fill in the boxes
[You can text fake info ONLY be sure to write a possible e-mail]
Click Submit
You will be re-directed to page - Leave it
Go to stardoll as usual
Items should be in a Simple bag in your suite [:

Free Hannah Montana Clothes

-If you are from UK
1)Join the Hannah Montanna club:
Items will be in your Suite [:
-If you don't live in UK
Be sure to be logged off stardoll, then
Set an UK manual proxy like
IP Address: Port: 80 Or
IP Address: Port: 8080 OR
If these don't work for you, check for others HERE

How to set manual proxy?
When you have set the manual proxy -
1)Join the Hannah Montanna club:
That's it, items should be in your suite now [:

While having a proxy on you can also get other UK things, check HERE

When you are done -
1)Go back to Settings and Check ’No proxy’
2)Go to stardoll as usual,
All items should be in giftboxes in your main room now, Go and check them [:

XXXXX Marieke

Free Earth hour bag 2

-If you live in Brazil, Log in and Enter a contest by clicking HERE
-If you don't live in Brazil
1)Go to Brazilian proxy like
2)Paste stardoll link
in the Web Address box of the proxy
3)Click GO
4)Log in stardoll
Copy and Paste the contest link in proxy Address bar:
6)Wait till contest pages loads
7)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Bag should be in a giftbox in your suite [:

Free Mortal Kiss T-shirt

-If you are from USA, Log in and Enter a contest by clicking HERE
-If you aren't from USA, Follow these steps:
1)Go to USA proxy like
2)Paste stardoll link into the blank box of the proxy site

Click Go OR just Hit Enter

Log in stardoll

Now in the proxies URL/Address Paste contest link

6)Wait till page loads, Leave the proxy by closing the window/tab, Go to stardoll as usual
T-shirt should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite [:

Free Earth hour bag

-If you are from France, Log in and Enter contest by clicking: HERE
-If you aren't from France, Follow these steps:
1)Go to France web proxy like OR OR OR
2)In the blank box of proxy site Paste stardoll link:
3)Click Surf/Go/Ok OR just Hit Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies URL/Address link box Paste the contest link:
6)Click Go, Wait till page loads,
7)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Bag should be in an Earth Hour bag in your suite [:

Free RIO Dress

-If you are from Russia, Log in Enter contest by clicking HERE
-If you aren't from Russia - Follow these steps to get it:
1)Go to Russian proxy like
2)In URL blank box Paste stardoll link:
3)Click Open/Surf/Browse button OR just Hit Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies URL link box Paste contest link:
6)Click Go, Wait till page loads
7)Leave proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Dress should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite [:

Free Greek Necklace

-If you live in Greece, Log in and Enter a contest by clicking HERE
-If you don't live in Greece, Follow these steps
1)Simply Log in stardoll and
2)Click HERE, You will be redirected to contest page
Necklace should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite [:
*To get rid of Greek names Log out and back in
1)Go to this Greek (very slow, but the only I know) proxy

2)Paste stardoll link in the blank box of the proxy
3)Click Begin Browsing
4)Log in stardoll
5)Paste the contest link in Location via proxy and Click Go
6)Remember to wait a little till contest page loads
7)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Necklace should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite [:

Free Flower

-If you are from Germany, Log in and Enter contest by clicking HERE
-if you are from Finland, Log in and Enter contest by clicking HERE
-If you aren't from Germany or Finland, Follow these steps:
1)Go to German proxy like OR OR
2)In blank box Paste stardoll link:
3)Click Browse/Go/Surf
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies Address/URL box paste contest link:
6)Click Go, Wait a little till page loads
7)Leave proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Flower should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite [:

Free Red Hood

-If you live in UK - Log in and Visit cinema by clicking HERE
-If you don't live in UK Follow these steps to get it:
Go to UK proxy site like OR OR OR OR
Paste stardoll cinema link into the URL/Address box of the proxy site

Click Go OR just Hit Enter
on keyboard
Log in stardoll, Wait a little till page loads
Leave the proxy by closing the window/tab, Go to stardoll as usual
Cape should be in a Red Riding Hood bag in your suite [:

XXxX Marieke

Free Bird print Top

If you are from Sweden, Log in and Enter contest by clicking HERE
-If you aren't from Sweden, Follow these steps to get it:
1)Go to Swedish proxy like
2)In white blank box Paste stardoll link:
3)Click Go/Browse/Surf Now (it's up to proxy you use)
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now on the proxies URL link box Paste contest link:
6)Click Go, Wait a little till stardoll page loads
7)Leave proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Top should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite [:

xxxx Marieke